Plastic surgeon in Tunisia

List doctors. Because of their experiments, their daily practice of medicine since about fifteen regular years and their participation in congresses, the doctors coordinators of H&B have the role of selecting the best experts and surgeons according to several criteria:
- Medical formation: best graduate surgeons in France and in the USA.
- The experiment: many interventions per annum.
- Continuing education: the regular participation has international congresses to be up to date in practice medical and surgical.
- Member of an association of recognized specialist.
- Excellent reputation in the medical field.
- Good qualities morals and human.
- Positive testimonies of treated patients.
- Coverd by a professional insurance.
All are registered with the order of the doctors. The respect of the code of conduct medical prohibits us to reveal at promotional ends the identity of our surgeons; consequently, the identity and the CV will be communicated to you after reception of your medical form